Monday, July 20, 2009

Grenada Mission Trip 2009

What an awesome trip! The Lord was with us every step of the way.

We left Friday July 10th at 5:30 in the morning from church. We took two vans to Chicago to catch our flight. We arrived safely in Chicago, flew to Miami, arriving safely and everyone had there luggage. We then flew to Grenada, arriving safely and again all of our luggage arrived as well. One of the other groups that was on our flight did not receive all of their luggage. Oh boy.
There was also another group in Grenada at the same time but they came thru Puerto Rico and they had one of their members get stuck in Puerto Rico. Oh boy.
We had an absolutely marvelous week. We had no injuries, no sickness, no sunburn (and no hurricane!) Praise the Lord!

The children were amazing. They were so easy to please. A piece of candy was like giving them a really big present. The smiles, the joy, the laughter, the hugs. They loved having their pictures taken. I wish I had taken my photo printer so they could've had their picture to take with them. Maybe next time I'll take it with me. I'd love to go back to the same place!

Kerry and Terry Psinas are the missionaries from our church that we went to help with Vacation Bible School. What an awesome couple! The love and compassion they have for the people of Grenada is amazing. The Grenadian believers have so little but they are so happy.
It really makes me appreciate what I have and not complain.

The Lord picked our team and we worked amazingly together to pull off a vbs with only 18 workers and an average of 129 kids a day. Ages were 2 to 18.
Our very first day we had 69. Terry had said to expect 35 kids. Haha. O ye of little faith.
By the second day we had 105. The third day we had 129 and 25 kids were no shows! The fourth day we had 129 and the last day we had 125. Amazing. That is not what Terry expected at all! But the Lord knew! He had our energetic teens on this team at that church at the right time. We serve an awesome God.

I'm truly thankful and grateful that the Lord allowed me to go on this trip and can't wait to see what he has in store for me next.

Thank you to those that prayed for me and supported me financially.

1 comment:

Jeni said...

Oh Suez! Your trip sounds absolutely beautifully rewarding! You described it so nice! I felt like I was there! I would love to do something like that - to give back to those less fortunate and is such a gift! I'm so happy everything went well for you and no troubles! God was with you! Wow! Can't wait to see you! I love you cuz!